Quella Vecchia Locanda
- Prologo
- Un Villaggio, Un'Illusione
- Realtà
- Immagini Sfocate
- Il Cieco
- Dialogo
- Verso La Locanda
- Sogno, Risveglio E...
Quella Vecchia Locanda is the first studio album by Italian progressive rock group Quella Vecchia Locanda ("That Old Inn"). It is one of the few albums to successfully integrate classical music influences into a progressive rock soundscape (with some jazz thrown in for good measure) - eclectic prog avant la lettre. There are some obvious influences (like Jethro Tull, Focus, and Genesis), but they do create their own sound, which is also different from other Italian prog bands of the time. Especially their use of the violin and flute stands out - while the singing (in Italian) by Giorgio Giorgi is excellent. Among my favourite tracks are Realtà, Il Cieco, Dialogo, and Sogno, Risveglio E...