- Packt Like Sardines In A Crushd Tin Box
- Pyramid Song
- Pulk/Pull Revolving Doors
- You And Whose Army?
- I Might Be Wrong
- Knives Out
- Morning Bell/Amnesiac
- Dollars And Cents
- Hunting Bears
- Like Spinning Plates
- Life In A Glasshouse
Amnesiac is the fifth studio album by the English alternative rock band Radiohead. Although the songs were recorded at the same time as Kid A, the band decided to release them a year later as a separate album. The second album is just a bit less experimental (min you, just a little bit) and more melodic, and personally I like it better. It was well received, both by critics and record buyers. My preferred tracks are Pyramid Song, You And Whose Army?, I Might Be Wrong, Morning Bell/Amnesiac, Knives Out, and Life In A Glasshouse, with a fabulous guest appearance by jazz trumpeter Humphrey Lyttelton.