August 2001

All is Dream
Mercury Rev

  1. The Dark Is Rising
  2. Tides Of The Moon
  3. Chains
  4. Lincoln's Eyes
  5. Nite And Fog
  6. Little Rhymes
  7. A Drop In Time
  8. You're My Queen
  9. Spiders And Flies
  10. Hercules
All Is Dream is the fifth studio album by American alternative rock band Mercury Rev. It continues the mood and sounds of the preceding album, but with a twist: it has been called that album's evil twin by one critic, although that is mainly due to the first half, which is considerably darker than the rest. It is difficult to give a name to their style on this album  - perhaps "psychedelic dreampop" is fitting, given the general atmosphere. Anyway, all ten tracks are worthwhile, with special mention for The Dark Is Rising, Tides Of The Moon, Lincoln's Eyes, Spiders And Flies, and Hercules.

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