May 1997

OK Computer 🏵

  1. Airbag
  2. Paranoid Android
  3. Subterranean Homesick Alien
  4. Exit Music (For A Film)
  5. Let Down
  6. Karma Police
  7. Fitter Happier
  8. Electioneering
  9. Climbing Up The Walls
  10. No Surprises
  11. Lucky
  12. The Tourist
OK Computer is the third studio album by English alternative rock band Radiohead. The Bends was an enormous step up from their debut, this album is an enormous step sideways - just as brilliant, but totally different. It is generally seen as one of the greatest albums of all time, and it paved the way for the melancholic, atmospheric alternative rock that became more prevalent in the next decade. For me the standout tracks on the consistently great album are Paranoid AndroidSubterranean Homesick AlienLet DownLucky, and especially Exit Music (For A Film), No Surprises and The Tourist.

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