Kid A
- Everything In Its Right Place
- Kid A
- The National Anthem
- How To Disappear Completely
- Treefingers
- Optimistic
- In Limbo
- Idioteque
- Morning Bell
- Motion Picture Soundtrack
Kid A is the fourth album by the English experimental rock band Radiohead. After the stunning success of OK Computer, it took them three years to present the successor - and as usual with this band, it was another completely different album. They embraced the then popular electronica genre, but did it in a way no-one had done it before. One critic wrote: "Kid A is easily the most successful electronica album from a rock band: it doesn't even sound like the work of a rock band, even if it does sound like Radiohead." I did not remember this album as one I particularly loved, and replaying it for the preparation of this list once more did not impress me too much. But seeing how well-respected it is (many critics consider it the album of the decade), I decided to give it another few spins the same day, and by the fourth or fifth it finally clicked. I still prefer The Bends and OK Computer, but this is a great album as well. My favourite songs are Everything In Its Right Place, How To Disappear Completely, Treefingers, In Limbo, Idioteque, and Motion Picture Soundtrack.