Somebody Outside
Anna Ternheim
- To Be Gone
- Better Be
- I'll Follow You Tonight
- Bring Down Like I
- I Say No
- A French Love
- A Voice To Calm You Down
- Somebody Outside
- My Secret
- Shoreline
Somebody Outside is the first studio album from Swedish singer-songwriter Anna Ternheim. An excellent debut, with her distinctive voice, slight but charming accent, great songs, and judicious choice of instrumentation, from piano dominated ballads to rock. It's a pity that the album, while highly praised and successful in Sweden, did not make any impression internationally. I'm glad I came across it many years ago. My CD comes with a great bonus CD, containing unplugged versions of most of the songs. Special attention for Better Be, I'll Follow You Tonight, A Voice To Calm You Down, Somebody Outside, My Secret. and Shoreline.